Le séminaire annuel de 2024


Rome, 2–5 Septembre 2024


Le séminaire a eu lieu à l’Université LUMSA dans le cadre du projet international New Humanism at the time of Neurosciences and Artificial Intelligence (NHNAI – coordonné par l’UCLy avec le soutien de la FIUC) et avec la collaboration de l’ ATEM. La dernière séssion s’est tenue à Notre Dame Rome.


Le programme et les info pratiques sono disponibles ici.

Le poster est ici





Francesco Bonini, Rector of LUMSA University (Italy) (video)

Silvia Dall’Olio, Director of the University of Notre Dame Rome (USA) (video)





Mathieu Guillermin, Coordinator of NHNAI project, Lyon Catholic University (France) (video)

Dominique Coatanea, President of ATEM, Facultés Loyola Paris (France) (video)

Stefano Biancu, Coordinator of the PhD program « Contemporary Humanism », LUMSA University (Italy) (video)



Keynote lectures (click on the title to watch the video)


Mario De Caro,University of Roma Tre (Italy), The problem of Freedom and today’s challenges

Dominique Lambert, University of Namur (Belgium), Ethics of AI

Thierry Magnin, Catholic University of Lille (France), Christian Thought, Humanism, AI and Neurosciences

Patricia Churchland, University of San Diego (USA), Neurosciences and Human Freedom

Fiorella Battaglia, University of Salento (Italy), Democracy and Education at the Time of AI and Neurosciences

Laura Palazzani, LUMSA-University of Rome (Italy), Health at the Time of AI and Neurosciences



PhD Students’ Presentations (click on the title to watch the video)