2023 Seminario Annuale di Roma (ACU)




Rethinking (and Rebuilding) Trust in Contemporary Societies

20-25 August 2023

Australian Catholic University – Rome Campus

In-person and online event






Le società contemporanee sperimentano una diffusa crisi di fiducia. Tutte le istituzioni politiche, economiche, scientifiche, educative e religiose ne sono sempre più colpite. Le proteste contro la vaccinazione per il Covid-19, l’astensione in occasione delle elezioni politiche e amministrative, la messa in discussione sempre più diffusa del parere degli esperti, la crescente fortuna delle varie teorie complottiste, la polarizzazione nella Chiesa e nella società, sono solo alcuni sintomi di una crisi trasversale e radicale, potenzialmente in grado di minare le fondamenta stesse della convivenza civile. Le nostre esistenze individuali e collettive si basano, infatti, sulla fiducia. Il seminario affronterà questioni come le seguenti: Che cos’è la fiducia? Cosa significa fidarsi di qualcuno a livello personale o sociale? Come ricostruire la fiducia?


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Clicca qui per gli atti del seminario in libero accesso (link esterno).


Le registrazioni sono disponibili qui sotto

*** Introduction ***


Philip Parker (ACU)

Opening Greetings


Stefano Biancu (LUMSA)

The Adventures of Trust, Confidence and Reliability – Why They Matter and why We should take care of Them



 *** Keynote Lectures ***



Robert Cheaib (UCLy)

Between religious faith and existential trust



Ronan Sharkey (ICP)

Conditions of Trust and Betrayal: rules, virtues and forms of life



Teresa Bartolomei (UCP)

Trust in the Unexpected



Peter Howard, Australian Catholic University (ACU)

“A paradise inhabited by devils”: reflections on trust in Renaissance Florence



Gabriella Agrusti & Valeria Damiani (LUMSA)

Building Communities of Trust through Civic and Citizenship Education



 *** Students’ Presentations ***



Victoria BAUER, LUMSA-UCLy (Philosophy and Religion), 2022-2025

A minimal Notion of the Human Being – Macintyre’s “Dependent Rational Animals”



Cecilia BENASSI, LUMSA (Philosophy and Religion), 2022-2025

Pavel Florenskij – His Life and Work



Filippo BENEDETTI, LUMSA-ACU (History), 2020-2023

Divine Trust and National Sovereignty: Democracy, Theocracy and Institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran



Pierangelo BIANCO, LUMSA-UCP (Philosophy and Religion), 2021-2024

The Cultural-linguistic Argument for Faith in the thought of George Lindbeck



Silvia CONTI, LUMSA-ICP (Philosophy and Religion), 2020-2023

Rebuilding trust. The Texture of Values and Images in Iris Murdoch



Francesca FIORETTI, LUMSA-UCP (Education), 2021-2024

Democratic school governance and organizational trust



Christophe HERZOG, LUMSA-UCP (Literature-Culture Studies), 2020-2023

Not a Wager: the Real Presence as a Question of Trust in George Steiner



Dany LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ, PUC-ACU (Education), 2020-2023

Enhancing Validity in Genre-Based Assessment of Lab Reports for Tertiary Physics



Federico RUDARI, UCP-LUMSA (Culture Studies-Philosophy), 2021-2024

Embodied perception and aesthetic sense-making: the mediation role of space and architectural narratives in exhibition practices.



Jan Juhani STEINMANN, ICP-LUMSA (Philosophy and Religion), 2022-2025

Be who you become. The Possible, Impossible, and Real in Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Heidegger.



Jérémie SUPIOT, UCLy-LUMSA (Philosophy and Religion), 2021-2024

How to (re)build trust between universities and society. An epistemological inquiry on trust in the construction of scientific facts



Marco TASSELLA, LUMSA-UCLy (Philosophy and Religion), 2021-2024

Enhancing Moral Decision-Making: an Alternative Route



Gael TROTTMANN-CALAME, ICP- LUMSA (Philosophy and Religion), 2022-2025

Renewing trust in life : Dionysus or the affirmation of the human possible.



Costanza VIZZANI, LUMSA-PUC (Philosophy and Religion), 2022-2025

Female Empowerment and New Technologies. The Ethical Issues of Surrogacy and Ectogenesis